Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Set profile attribute in Workflow

Profile attribute comes in handy when you prefer to skip huge lines of code for any back end or batch process. This will come in handy when you want to tune performance for integration and UI shares the same BC as integration.

There is an application method to set the profile attribute from the script but found a neat way to do this in workflow process as well.Just use the business service SIS OM PMT Service in your workflow and you can set the profile attribute as required.

Also, this business service has various other application methods that can be used in workflow process.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Batch file to increase log levels on dedicated client

SIEBEL_LOG_EVENTS comes in handy to troubleshoot almost all configuration and scripting issues without pushing any srf changes to server. . But the steps documented in bookshelf is not so easy to enable or disable siebel_Log_events.

I found an easy/better way to disable and enable this log events from windows batch file. Below is an example and you can use the to same raise log events on tool as well..

cd "C:\Siebel81\Client\bin"
siebel /c 'ENU\siebel.cfg' /u raj /p raj /d serverdatasrc