Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Secret of Success

Well it's been a long time since I blogged. Just wanted to get my head off of work and post some Siebel techie thoughts :-).Probably in future it might be mandatory to have a blog to get a job. It has been quite a while since I started working on Siebel. I never thought I would land in Siebel world when I was back in school. For that matter I never knew Siebel at first place. My dream was to get a SAP job and tried hard for that once I graduted.But all my efforts were in vain. Then I read an article on successful career and it had this line in bold, ALL PROFESSIONALS ARE NOT SUCCESSFUL ONLY PROFESSIONALS GOOD AT WHAT THEY ARE DOING ARE SUCCESSFUL. So what you want to be in your life should not be just your ambition but also your passion!! This changed lots of things in my career plans. Guess what, I got a job next month!!!! May be this thought was influencing my job interviews.

Just to keep track of my knowledge progress in Siebel, I decided to post something related to Siebel in my blogs at least weekly this would hone my Siebel skill and probably be a knowledge base for others :-) . Here we go, Siebel thought for the day ( I hear the opening bell!!!).To make it easier to navigate I will categorize the Siebel tips

Refresh an applet:
I have seen lot of scripts written to refresh the applet once the record is created. This can be easily done with an OOTB
Business Service :SIS OM PMT Service and
Method: Refresh Business Component

This can be invoked from script or Workflow process.

That’s it for now. Probably this is my last post for the year, wishing you guys all a HAPPY NEW YEAR. I hope I keep up to my resolution(s).Later…

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Letz get it started in here!!

Finally Thursday is here and I have quite a few things to check off my list before I go to India for a short vacation.

We are three weeks away from the election and everyone will be looking up to the next President in the tanked economy. I’m eager too but I would be much happier if I get to vote. I don’t think I can vote in India either since I don’t have an ID card.

Well all pages in the news paper have something related to economy. I don’t complain but this is the only thing you hear when you tune to any channel or skim through any page in the news paper..One good news is oil price has plummeted and the big shots in oil industry are meeting next week to talk about this. What might they conclude, let’s reduce the oil supply to increase the price and put an end to one good news that media would report in the crumbling economy. I wish oil was not a commodity at first place.

All ramblings aside, I’m planning to go for the SOA suite training soon. Well this should be good, always I wanted to learn integration in Java and I hope that SOA will be a good start to head in that direction.

More in the next, till then good bye